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Rachael Shwom, Ph.D.
Human Dimensions of Environmental Change Graduate Certificate Director
Cook Office Building, Room 212
Rachael Shwom is Professor in the School of Environmental and Biological Science’s Department of Human Ecology and Chair of the Department of Human Ecology. In the past she has served as Interim Director of the Rutgers Energy Institute and Associate Director of the Human Dimensions of Mitigation, Adaptation, and Resilience Initiative for Rutgers Climate and Energy Institute. She conducts research that links sociology, psychology, engineering, economics, and public policy to investigate how social and political factors influence society’s responses to energy and climate problems. Rachael is currently PI on a collaborative National Science Foundation Grant “Responses to complex disruptive events: Cognition in a socio-political context”, co-PI on a National Science Foundation CRISES Planning Grant on Sustainability Governance in the Anthropocene, and working with the Center for Urban Policy Research to study decision-making for decarbonization of low and moderate income multifamily housing for the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities. She is a member of the National Academy of Sciences Committee to Advise the U.S. Global Change Research Program and a co-author to the National Climate Assessment’s Chapter 5 (Human and Social Systems). For more information see