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Alumni Stories
We measure our success by the success of our alumni and students. Read about some alumni who describe where they started, how they are finding success and where they are going.

Vanessa Thomas (SEBS 2023)
Vanessa Thomas is an Environmental Justice Organizer at the community based organization Ironbound Community Corporation (ICC). After transferring from University of Maryland Baltimore, Vanessa pursued her degree in Environmental Policy, Institutions, and Behavior at Rutgers University, graduating in May of 2023. Vanessa first encountered ICC as part of the class Careers in EPIB. She was inspired by their mission and reached out to them in search of an internship. Even though the organization did not have any internships available at the time, they created the position of Executive Assistant for Vanessa to gain experience. After Vanessa graduated, she completed a 3 month fellowship with the Department of Energy and then started full time at ICC in fall of 2023. Read more >>

Johnny Quispe (SEBS 2014)
It all started as an EPIB undergraduate with a for-credit internship through his Environmental Policy Institutions and Behavior (EPIB) major with the Edison Wetlands Association, a local New Jersey nonprofit organization focused on the “advocacy and the holistic remediation of superfund sites.” Since then he’s pursued a Master’s and PhD in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at Rutgers University. This combination has led him to the nonprofit sector, and his current job as the Associate Director for Cities Programs at The Nature Conservancy. Read more »

Chelsea Kulp (SEBS 2011)
Congratulations to Chelsea Kulp, senior manager of Government and External Affairs, on being appointed to the Board of Trustees of the American Water Works Association New Jersey Section. Together with the board and section staff, Kulp will work with the Association’s committees to provide leadership and guidance on addressing the state’s water challenges. Read more »

Grounded in 4-H and Graduating with Honors: Kristen Johnson (SEBS 2017)
Johnson majored in Environmental Policy, Institutions, and Behavior, with a minor in Public Health, and one of her major interests is in agriculture. In her home town of Skillman, NJ, Johnson grew up on a small Christmas tree farm and raised market lambs with 4-H….Read more »

Faculty for a Sustainable Future: Cara Cuite
Cara Cuite is an assistant extension specialist in the Department of Human Ecology at Rutgers University. She started at Rutgers as a graduate student in 1995 and has never really left… Read More »
Read more news from the Department of Human Ecology in the SEBS and NJAES Newsroom.
Alumni Resources
Update Your Contact Information
Update your contact information at the School of Environmental and Biological Sciences and the Rutgers University Alumni Association. You will receive the School’s e-newsletters, in addition to the University’s alumni magazine.
Rutgers University Alumni Association
The Rutgers University Alumni Association (RUAA) serves all alumni of Rutgers University. Membership in the RUAA is free and automatically granted to all graduates of Rutgers University, or any of its predecessor schools, upon graduation.
Support the Department
Make an impact by supporting current and future students, faculty and research that addresses the spectrum of environmental solutions that help address everything from biodiversity to food security to energy and climate change to water infrastructure and flooding.